Saturday, January 4, 2014

Portal - Vexxovoid

Portal - Vexovoid - (r) 2/19/2013

Portal - Vexovoid (Bandcamp)

This was a very strange experience for me. Portal is a band I have no knowledge about. Vexovoid is a record that pummels every sense in expectation, and perceived direction of familiarity.

What is known or understood about compaction of texture and composition is completely redirected into a mashed listening experience.

I have never heard something this dense that it takes a few listens to uncover bits and pieces of the work.

I am acutely aware of the direction extreme music needs to go, and while I do agree with the notion of challenging outside perceptions Portal pretty much covers this in large doses. Some may not agree, yet there is something very different in approach, and execution to what I've experienced here.

If there is one gripe I have it is this: the songs do blur into each other, there are intermittent variations of notes that string together with a kind of thematic overture, but there is a few areas that I think challenge the perception of design and execution. A lot this record is mangled, twisted, and heavy on distortion, which is expected from the listener to carve out their own understanding.

If I were to pick a single instrument to follow it would be the guitar because of the tonality shifts, and the near pulsation that weaves the songs into peaks and valleys.

Interesting listen if nothing else. Thanks for reading.


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