Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life Sex Death - The Silent Majority (90's Era)

Life Sex Death(L.S.D.)  The Silent Majority - 1992

The Silent Majority is an album which melds both bizarre, and macabre in a right way. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it does have an internal honesty that most contemporaries today would marvel at. Released in 1992, The Silent Majority embodies a type of construction to the human narrative, along with its not so subtle reality it is asking the listener to traipse along.

Rhythmically, its groovy in a off kilter way, guitar tone is heavy, but its execution lay more in it's tempered musing, rather than going full tilt. I think Alex Kane(guitarist) really put in his own expression into this record. I like that Alex really made his guitar skill seem subdued just enough to not over power the technique, but also show a very complex deconstruction to the mantle already out at that time.

Vocally, Chris Stann(Stanley) rubs you under the surface with his interpretation of the Chicago blues style. He spins it in a curt and obtuse construction that channels a metal variation of Tom Waits. The overall appeal for me was both Alex and Stanley's distinction to a flooded period of similar sounding records.

The mood of The Silent Majority envelops around distortion, acerbic moments of survival, and though the groove does settle in well, there is an aura of unsureness that rips into the album midway through. Through the bluesy numbers, and carefully placed humor, underneath it grates just enough to peel back a little more of the internal perception. I thought it's truth lay more in the emotion, rather than vulgarity, and chip bluntness. For me it was an album of focused dichotomies, which works in a very strange way.

What saddens me about Life Sex Death is there wasn't a second album. One song I found while researching had me checking out this: My Name Stanley.  I think its an interesting concept that L.S.D. were going, and I would have liked to have heard what they were progressing into from the demo's they were recording. Unfortunately, the small dedicated fan base were robbed of a followup, and I give my thanks to the dedicated legion of fans for keeping Life Sex Death alive with Youtube, and Myspace. Thanks for reading.


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