Job Recruiters - My take on them
In my travels, I have very intuitive responses to various outlets whom employ scam tactics in justifying a kind of sales pitch. In this case I'm talking about Job Recruiters. In the 90's I was young enough to remember when this was all the rage with certain states because major fortune 500 companies laid off large swaths of the American workforce. Downturn in the economy plus hiring outside consultants, i.e. to scale out any redundancy, pitted blue collar versus white collar.
When those folks were let go, it flooded a market that wasn't really prepared in taking on large out of work population, while also the influx of young graduates from high school (generation x) couldn't really gain traction forward. This is where a specific kind of prospect was created to fill a niche compartment in and around finding people work...or so they thought.
If one was so desperate they'd hire some yahoo to sell their image/brand to some company. Sometimes it worked, other times many, and I mean many people were duped into a false sense of promise.
Enter the 21st century and now these human pig smellies (Invader Zim) have taken to the internet, and lo-and-behold are everywhere. I am as skeptical as the next person, but I know when I see bullshit, and there is a lot of bullshit happening here.
My traction with Job Recruiters was intermittent, meeting with a few jerkoffs whom seem to think they know whats the best fit for my worth. I've been extremely suspect of someone who 'gets' me in the first five minutes after they talk to me.
No, the underlying criticism I have here is how in the world can this be a real and justifiable employment field? Not everyone fits in the same mold, skillset, or career objective i.e. each person is like a snow flake (thank you Lewis Black)
Having been spoken to in this manner that has this faux demeanor, with arbitrary corporate speak platitudes, a lot the spiel is totally and unequivocally condescending. Most of the what a job recruiter is selling you on is a promise that eventually fails, and falls through.
In the process you must jump through imaginary hoops these recruiters use. How do you know if you did well? What is the success ratio of employment retention? How is the reputation of the company they are trying to set me up with?
You know...the one main critical component a real person would utilize and that's called research. By using my critical analysis, and experience to gauge whether or not the situation warrants further inquiry. In a nutshell I don't like getting duped, and sucked into a situation.
They pad your ego to make you feel like your going to get the job,
but in the end that dangling fish hook with promising dollar signs is
taunted and then whisked away without any real concern to your mental
health or well being.
I continue to have questions, yet these new breed of recruiters seem to be a missing one crucial aspect of the job search process: where is the real interview? It is a scam to build up people who are looking for work,
who are struggling to find some real meaningful employment that doesn't
rob them of a quality life.
Today's job recruiters are scam artists. They don't give a shit whether you succeed or not. Their sole purpose is to engage you, enrage you, lie to you, build you up then chop you down. That is my two cents on this subject.